The UGA Student Food Pantry is a full-service food pantry that is open to all students on UGA's campus that need quick access to basic food items ranging from breakfast bars to pasta, microwaveable meals, spices, refrigerated and frozen goods, milk, fruit, vegetables, and meat.

Location: Tate Student Center 146 (first floor across from the Greek Life and Campus Reservations Offices).

Hours: Open Monday-Friday from 10:00am-4:00pm. Hours over holiday and summer break vary.

Website: https://well-being.uga.edu/food-pantry


SGA Fresh Express is a food assistance program, striving to serve UGA students with access to non-perishable food and fresh produce from local Athens-Clarke County partners.

Location: Joe Frank Harris Commons (East Campus Village)

Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday | 12 – 5 p.m.; Thursday & Friday | 9 a.m. – 1 p.m.

Contact: sgafreshexpress@uga.edu

Website: https://sga-professional-clothing-closet.myshopify.com/pages/freshexpress


Franklin Fridge North provides grab and go snack items, drinks, and occasionally fresh fruit. This resource is great for students who may need a quick snack between classes. For undergraduate students only.

Location: 301 Brooks Hall

Hours: Monday-Friday from 9am-4pm

Kathy Bolt Pantry

The Franklin Fridge South provides on the go snacks and quick meals for all undergraduate students.

Location: 302 E Campus Rd Athens GA 30602, I-STEM Building II, First floor inside the Chemistry Administration Suite 1299-B

*Named in memory of a UGA Advisor who helped establish the pantry

Let All The Big Dawgs Eat Scholarship

Let All The Big Dawgs Eat Scholarship Initiative is a need-based scholarship that awards meal plans to UGA students each fall, spring, and summer semesters. Students selected to receive the scholarship are awarded a meal plan for on-campus dining.

Contact: latbde@uga.edu

Website: https://studentaffairs.uga.edu/vp/let-all-the-big-dawgs-eat-apply-today/

UHC Pocket Pantry

The UHC Pocket Pantry aims to provide temporary relief to students who are experiencing food insecurity by providing immediate access to non-perishable foods and toiletries before directing them to additional resources on campus. Students can help themselves to 3 items each visit.

Location: University Health Center, 55 Carlton Street, Athens, GA 30602

Located on the 2nd floor, down the hall from Medical Clinic Green

Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Bulldog Basics

Bulldog Basics provides toiletry and personal care items to UGA students on the Athens campus by collecting donations from students, staff, alumni, faculty, and local community members.

Location: Milledge Hall (Orders are made online and are available for pick up at various locations)

Hours: Order online from Monday at 12 p.m. to Tuesday at 12 p.m., with pick-up times from Wednesday to Friday.

Contact: bulldogbasics@uga.edu

Website: https://ossa.uga.edu/resources/bulldog-basics/

School Supply Closet

The mission of the School Supply Closet is to provide UGA community members who are in need with school-related items so they can succeed on campus.

Location: 330 Aderhold Hall on the third floor

Hours: Monday-Friday 8am-5pm

Website: https://ugeorgia.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0dhgYNdiMT9k5Gm/

Project Red

A student-led group working to provide free biodegradable menstrual products to The University of Georgia.

Location: Various locations across campus, list can be found here.
Hours: During building hours
Contact: projectreduga@gmail.com
Website: https://projectreduga.wixsite.com/projectreduga

SGA Professional Clothing Closet

SGA Professional Clothing Closet provides free, professional clothing for students by providing access to one free, professional outfit per academic year.

Location: Engagement, Leadership, and Service (Tate Student Center, 2nd floor by SGA offices)

Hours: Items can also be requested through the online shopping portal for pick-up. Students are asked to schedule an appointment through the website (sga.uga.edu) for specific assistance.

Contact: sgaclothingcloset@uga.edu

Website: https://sga-professional-clothing-closet.myshopify.com/

Click here to start creating an online order: https://sga-professional-clothing-closet.myshopify.com/collections/clothing-closet-collection

Click here to make an appointment: https://calendly.com/ugaprofessionalclothingcloset/fittingconsultation


We understand the impact financial barriers can have on a student’s overall well-being. Student Care and Outreach (SCO) serves as the starting point for connecting students with individualized support and resources, which includes applying to available funding for emergency and/or temporary financial assistance.

Support funds are not intended for tuition and fees, but instead to address specific temporary circumstances students may be facing such as medical bills, replacement of essential personal belongings due to natural disaster, fire, theft, etc., car repairs, medications or other health-related costs, mental health care, rent, utilities or other essential household expenses.

Location: Student Care and Outreach Office, 318 Tate Student Center

Hours:Monday-Friday 8am-5pm. Online reports can be filled out any time of day and will be reviewed the next business day.

Contact: 706-542-8479, sco@uga.edu

Website: https://www.sco.uga.edu